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Fit for Duty Policy

About This Policy

Effective Date
Last Updated
Responsible Office
Human Resources

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学致力于为大学社区的利益提供一个安全的工作场所. In order to provide a safe work environment, employees must be able to perform their job duties in a safe, secure, productive, and effective manner, and remain able to do so throughout the entire time they are working. Employees who are not fit for duty may present a safety hazard to themselves, to other employees, to the University, or the public. This policy applies to all University staff and faculty.



  1. Having observable difficulty or inability to perform essential work duties as determined by the supervisor or based upon reliable information from credible sources; or
  2. 根据主管观察到的行为或来自可靠来源的可靠信息,对自己或他人构成迫在眉睫的严重安全威胁.


Fit for duty
the employee is able to perform the duties of their job, or the employee does not pose a threat to the safety of him/herself or others.
Licensed Health service provider
a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, dentist, podiatrist, clinical psychologist, optometrist, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, or a licensed clinical social worker.
for staff, the person to whom they report; and for faculty, their Chair or Dean.

Employee Responsibilities

  1. 员工有责任管理自己的健康,使他们能够安全地履行工作职责.
  2. 员工必须以适合的状态来上班,并且必须在安全的环境中履行他们的工作职责, secure, productive, and effective manner during the entire time they are working.
  3. Employees are responsible for notifying their supervisors when they are not fit for duty.

Employer Responsibilities

  1. Supervisors/managers are responsible for observing the attendance, performance, and behavior of the employees they supervise.
  2. 主管/经理有责任在员工可能不适合工作的情况或情况下遵循本政策的程序.
  3. 医疗记录的机密性:任何包含员工医疗信息的文件都被视为医疗记录,并被视为机密文件. 人力资源福利部和职业健康部将医疗记录与所有其他员工记录分开保存在一个文件中.
  4. 遵守适用的集体谈判协议,评估和管理是否适合工作.


  1. 主管从可靠的来源获得可靠的信息,认为员工可能不适合担任职务, or through personal observation believes an employee to be unfit for duty, 是否会在可行的情况下尽快验证并记录这些信息或观察结果,并与人力资源福利部门联系. 需要评估员工是否适合工作的行为可能包括, but are not limited to, problems with dexterity, coordination, concentration, memory, alertness, vision, speech, inappropriate interactions with coworkers or supervisors, inappropriate reactions to criticism, or suicidal or threatening statements, and which affect the ability of the employee to perform their job duties, or pose a threat to the safety of themselves or others.
  2. The supervisor will present the information or observations to Human Resources Benefits Department at the earliest possible time in order to validate them; and will allow the employee to explain his or her actions, or to correct any mistakes of fact contained in the description of those actions. 然后,人力资源福利部门将决定该员工是否应出于安全原因立即离开工作场所.
  3. 在有理由认为可能发生犯罪和/或雇员威胁要伤害自己或他人的情况下, or is acting in a manner that is immediately dangerous to himself or herself or others, the supervisor shall contact The University Police Department. The supervisor should also notify Human Resources Benefits Department. 在工作场所发生事故或受伤时,人力资源福利人员不在场, the supervisor shall contact University Police and Occupational Health, who will inform Benefits as soon as possible thereafter.
  4. If the employee discloses a medical condition or disability, Human Resources Benefits Department will engage in the “interactive process to 确定是否可以提供合理的便利以允许员工履行其工作职责以及流程的下一步.
  5. Based on the descriptions provided by the supervisor and the interactive process, 人力资源福利部将确定职业健康部门或持牌健康服务提供商是否需要进行适合工作的评估, if so, 在对情况进行全面评估之前,人力资源福利部门将决定员工可使用的休假类型.
  6. 人力资源福利部门将提供一份填妥的身体需求分析表和工作描述给职业健康或指定的有执照的健康服务提供者,以证明员工是否适合重返工作岗位. The Licensed Health Service Provider form will include a description of the behaviors, impact on performance of essential job duties, and safety risks leading to the request for evaluation and job description.
  7. 大学将负责由职业健康部门或大学指定的有执照的健康服务提供者进行的适合工作评估的费用.  员工将负责由员工选择并经大学批准的医疗专业人员进行的适合工作评估的费用.
  8. Based on the information provided by the licensed health service provider, 人力资源福利部将向主管建议该员工是否应返回工作岗位, if so, the conditions of return, including whether additional follow-up meetings are necessary. 人力资源福利部将最终决定是否接受由雇员选择的医疗专业人员提供的提供者证明. 人力资源福利部门将联系职业健康部门进行审查或评估.  职业健康将评估员工执行基本工作职能的能力, which will be coordinated by Human Resources Benefits Department. The University will pay for the cost of an Occupational Assessment if required.
  9. 除非是紧急情况,员工必须负责自己的交通.
  10. 员工必须遵守职责适应性和评估程序的所有方面, including furnishing necessary consent and release forms to the health service provider. Noncompliance may be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. 将要求保健服务提供者提供有关雇员重返工作岗位时可能需要的工作限制的信息.
  11. 本政策的实施并不打算取代其他大学政策或与绩效相关的程序, nor is it intended as a substitute for discipline. 涉及违反大学政策或做法的情况可能导致纪律处分.

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